Homestead Harvest
"Farming On A Smaller Scale."
Do you adore fresh veggies but lack outdoor growing space? do you dream of flavorful, fresh tomatoes in December? If you love homegrown vegetables and herbs, here's something you should know: you can grow them year-round inside. With a little planning, the right tools, and a few helpful tips, you'll soon be enjoying culinary creations from your own indoor vegetable garden.
Contact us at for more information.
Providing an honest, simple solution to enjoy fresh and organic produce that assist with economic, environmental, and numerous health problems, All form the convenience of your own home. IS THE MISSION HOMESTEAD HARVEST IS ON.
Growing one's own produce is a simple solution to economic, environmental, and numerous health problems. Homestead Harvest is here to assist consumers that reside within inner cities and communities that were once agricultural and now industrial. Also, gardening is a hobby and a great fit for the millennials for the nutrition and healthful food.
As warehouse are being built within the agricultural area of Bloomington, CA, neighborhoods with properties zoned for agricultural use are diminishing. This was the area where many families went from seeing fresh produce stands on corners to now large warehouses where we can see and hear the congestion of trucks. This is the "WHY" of Homestead Harvest where we are bringing you "Farming on a Smaller Scale".